Upcoming Professional Events
The All American Gateway Tour
We are looking forward to having the EGolf Gateway Tour here at Sundance Golf Club twice this coming season. They will visit for a 54 hole, 3-day event that begins Novemebr 8th 2016 and will return in the beginning of next year’s season for a 36 hole, 2-day event to be held on February 28th and March 1st 2017. This esteemed group of golfers are one step from the PGA Tour and have been touring throughout Arizona, California and Nevada. Please note that public play could be at a minimum during this time, but spectators are welcome and it’s free to do so!
Keep up with their current roster and follow along as they make their way here to Sundance Golf Club here.
The Cactus tour is Returning this March!
The gals from the Cactus tour will be here for another three day event in March. Before that takes place they will come out with a smaller field just before we overseed the course on September 13th, 14th and 15th 2016.
The staff and the residents love having the gals out and can’t wait for their return March 22nd through March 25th.
Keep up with the Cactus Tour and their current events at www.thecactustour.com
Other Upcoming Events
Buckeye Lions Club Event
04/22/2017- The Buckeye Lions Club will be hosting their annual golf and lunch event on April 22nd this coming year.
We have scheduled an 7:30AM shotgun start on Saturday April 22nd 2017 for the teams competing in the golf scramble with prizes for closest to the pin, long drives, lots of raffle prizes and our 1st, 2nd, and third place teams.
Contact Glen Smith at buckeyelions@yahoo.com to sign your team up.